Maile is now 5 months! It is so hard to believe that five months had passed already. She is such a smiley little girl and has been a pretty easy baby. She loves to giggle and laugh when she plays with Noelle and Mike, she loves to grab everything (especially things she shouldn't), and she loves to play with her toys. She can roll over both ways and just the other day she has learned how to skoot all over the place and can now get almost anything she wants to by skooting. I guess it is time to baby proof my house again. She is so much fun and always brightens my day with her sweet smile. We are happy to have her as part of our family. At her 5 month appointment she was 15 lbs. 7 oz. (65%) and 26 inches long (85%). By the way, thanks Aunt Carrie for the very cute pink leggings.