Monday, April 20, 2009
Our Trip to the Hospital
Last night about 10:00 we went to the hospital because I thought that my water was beginning to break. We had all our bags packed and Noelle was over at Grandma's and Grandpa's house. Before we left for the hospital Mike wanted us to take a picture since we took one before we went to the hospital to have Noelle. This pregnancy I have been feeling like my body is more ready than it was with Noelle sooner to give birth. So I was pretty sure last night was going to be the night. When we got to the hospital they checked to see if my water had broken and it hadn't. :( They hooked me up to a machine to see if I was having contractions which I was (about every 10 minutes or so) but they weren't getting closer together or more intense. We decided to try to walk around for a while to see if that would help me progress with no luck, so they sent us home about 1 am. So we won't be celebrating a birthday yet. I'm so lucky to have a patient husband who tells me that all my false alarms this pregnancy is all part of the fun of having a baby. I'm due in 10 days, so we will be patiently awaiting her arrival!
link | posted by Mike & Nicole at 3:06 PM
Rachel commented at April 21, 2009 6:04 PM~
You guys are so cute! Best of luck with everything and we'll look forward to seeing pics of your new baby girl and her big sister!
Kourtni commented at April 21, 2009 9:11 PM~
Bummer! We'll pray for you :)
Rice Family commented at April 22, 2009 2:46 PM~
You look absolutely adorable-- I can't believe you're only 10 days away! Hey, and sometimes those "False Alarms" surprisingly turn out to be the real deal. . . you never know (at least I never do and we're expecting #4!)! Good luck!
Leo commented at April 23, 2009 12:31 PM~
you are so close! i felt the same way. i thought kaylin was going to come so many times this pregnancy. she ended up staying in the longest of the three. who knows too...whether she would have stayed in longer if i didn't get induced. can't wait to see your little one!! the best part of all the nine months is seeing her for the first time!
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