Saturday, June 21, 2008
Pre-Race Intimidation
While we were in Utah I competed in the Salem Spring Triathlon with my brother and brother-in-law. It rained so much that they had to cancel the bike portion of the race, so it only ended up being a duathlon. The temperature was in the 40s, so it wasn't exactly ideal racing weather but it turned out OK. This is our pre-race photo where we had our game faces on and were talking all kinds of smack to the other athletes. My overall place was
97th out of about 450-500.
link | posted by Mike & Nicole at 8:04 PM
Leo commented at June 25, 2008 3:57 PM~
i almost did this one. i heard about the bike part being canceled. way to go on the tin man too. they had a man drown this past weekend at the cache valley tri. he was older and they think he had a heart attack. so sad. nice picture of you guys.
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