Saturday, June 17, 2006
Finishing up the 20 mile bike ride. I was absolutely amazed at how fast the other athletes could get going and that they could just keep going at that rate. At this point in the race I was feeling pretty good, definitely tired, but still had some energy left for the run. The transistion into the run wasn't too awkward. When I first started training I would get off the bike and start my run and my legs would feel like lead and it was hard to get going, but I felt at this point things were going pretty good, I was having fun.
link | posted by Mike & Nicole at 2:41 PM
commented at June 21, 2006 10:11 AM~
Are you smiling in this picture?!?!
After swimming AND 20 miles on a bike I'd look look like death was knocking at my door!
Go Mike!
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