Sunday, April 16, 2006
And1 Mixed Tape Tour
So the
And1 Mix Tape Tour came to Topeka this past weekend, and guess who procured the jersey's for the Topeka team playing them? That's right, I ordered the jersey's and as a result got free court-side tickets to see this whole event. It wasn't a very well advertised event, and as a result not a whole lot of people showed up for it. And1 had some new faces on the team, but they were absolutely amazing. I hate watching these guys play on TV, but it's a different story in person. They are
a lot better basketball players than I gave them credit for. And the dunks were amazing, we're talking elbows over the rim. It made for a very entertaining evening. I can't remember the guys name on the far left, but to his right is High Riser, Springs, Alby (Right Back), The Air Up There, Hot Sauce, and on the floor "50."
link | posted by Mike & Nicole at 5:51 PM