Sunday, February 06, 2005
This is a picture of the Fu Manchu that I had the morning I shaved it off, Nicole wasn't a fan. Hawaii isn't ready for Mike and the Fu Manchu yet, we'll try it again in a couple of months.
link | posted by Mike & Nicole at 2:38 AM
R. Sherman On commented at February 06, 2005 10:45 AM~
Mike - talk about the white trash 'stache. I'd have to say you look really scary there.
commented at February 07, 2005 5:42 PM~
Oooooh Mike I like it a lot, why did you go and shave such a beautiful thing as a porn star's stache. (That is to be read in your beautiful wife's Hawiian accent tone that I love to do...Love you Nini) All you needed was the line right down the center and you would have been set man. I vote for the fu man chu.
Your brother in facial hair,
commented at February 11, 2005 6:01 PM~
Eraz said that you're the coolest.
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