Sunday, February 15, 2009
Heading Out For a Run
I've been trying to get back into my running routine. I've noticed that I need to spend a little more time stretching before (and after) I engage in physical activities nowadays. As with most things, Noelle is happy to join me.
Leaky Toilet
Dad came over to show me how to fix our leaky toilet. Noelle was really interested in what we were doing, and even lent us a hand. I can remember all of the times I'd help dad when I was younger. Usually all he let me do was hold a light so he could see better. Apparently he trusts Noelle more than me when I was her age.
She's a Rock Star!
Noelle playing the drums during a recent trip to one of friend's homes, the Myers family. The older kids are so good to Noelle and let her play video games with them.