Monday, December 26, 2005
Mike posing in front of the woodpile.
Morgan and Dad preparing the woodpile for burning by stuffing newspaper at a strategic point.
Nicole poking at the fire to make it bigger.
Nicole posing in front of the woodpile.
Sunday, December 25, 2005
Merry Christmas!
Our after church Christmas picture! Merry Christmas Everyone!!
Oreo has been sniffing at his stocking all week long, he finally got to find out what was inside today!
A nice little outfit for a little baby girl!
Nicole got an iPod shuffle for use while she works out and cleans around the house, and cooks for Mike!
These were probably Nicole's favorite Christmas gifts, food from Hawaii!
Mom opening her present from me and Nicole ( a wallet and a cool bracelet).
Dad got money so he could get a geneology program for his computer from Mike, Morgan, Carrie, Cathy, and Megan. You can't tell here, but he's really excited!
A shirt from Hawaii for Morgan, from Connie and Nick.
These are two CD's that Mike got from Nicole's parents. He is a big fan of Hawaiian Falsetto music, and these will get a lot of time in the CD player. Thanks Connie and Nick!
After it was all over Oreo was pretty worn out.
The guy in the white shirt doesn't know it yet, but I'm gonna take him to the hoop for 2 in about 5 seconds.
Wednesday, December 07, 2005
We got our first heavy snow of the year today, and Oreo had a ball. He usually just kind of walks around, not really excited about anything. But in the snow he was running around, stopping here, running some more, stopping there, and on, and on....
Oreo looking for a spot to mark.
Monday, December 05, 2005
O Christmas Tree
Me and Mom decorating the tree.
Oreo's First Snow!
Oreo's first experience with snow. He just kind of walked around looking at it, pawing at it, and tasting it.